Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Media Allies Blame Guns to Distance Democrats from Crime-Enabling Policies

In any case, what The Washington Post has done here is given out talking points to help spread a desperate, pre-midterms Democrat narrative...

5 NYPD Shootings Draw Attention To Mayor Eric Adams’ Plans To Make NYC Safe

"...if we don’t coordinate to go after those gun dealers that are supplying large cities in America such as New York, we are losing the battle..."

Tucker Carlson’s Enthusiasm for NYC Mayoral Candidate is Undeserved

It's more than hypocritical that Adams has his gun but he demands citizen disarmament, not just for New York City, but for the rest of the country as well.

The post Tucker Carlson’s Enthusiasm for NYC Mayoral Candidate is Undeserved appeared first on AmmoLand.com.