Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Attn California AG: Revoke Your “Good Moral Character” Rule & Comply or We Sue

Conditioning a carry license on a discretionary ...‘good moral character’ is patently inconsistent with Bruen’s .....carry right may not be denied by non-objective criteria applied by a local governme

Gun Group Demands Stay Allowing California “Assault Weapon” Ban Be Lifted

The Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen eliminates any plausible argument for a stay in this case... The people of California have endured for long enough.

California’s DOJ Doxes The State’s Gun & Ammunition Owners

If the California AG is to be believed, then the system architects are grossly incompetent or massively unqualified to design the system, or did so on purpose?

California Attorney General’s Action Puts State CCW Permit Holders in Jeopardy

CA Attorney General Rob Bonta’s move was clearly retaliation against law-abiding gun owners for the Supreme Court’s decision reaffirming your 2nd amendment rights.

California Follows NJ & Retreats On “Good Cause” Requirement for Concealed Carry

California Attorney General says "effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license."

Hollywood: 19 Firearms, Law Enforcement Tactical Gear & Fake Badge Seized

According to his plea agreement, O’Reilly, had been adjudicated as mentally defective, preventing him from legally possessing firearms. However....

Elections Matter: How CA Rifle Case Win Could Have Huge Ripple Effect

When a three-judge panel struck down California’s law prohibiting sales of semiautomatic rifles to young adults, it underscored the importance of who occupies the oval office.

Bombshell: Suspect in Sacramento Shooting Released from Prison in Feb.

According to an update from Sacramento police, “Evidence in the case indicates that at least five shooters fired guns during the shooting..."

Anti-Gunners led by Biden & Newsom, Quick to Exploit Sacramento

But according to CNN, the single firearm recovered at the scene was a stolen handgun. There would have been no background check for that pistol.

Citizen Disarmament Cheerleaders Blame Guns for Sacramento Shootings

The message here: the laws are still not enough. Every state will have to follow suit. And they still won’t be enough.

LA Times Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel For Anti-Gun Commentary

The Los Angeles Times keeps shoveling their anti-gun propaganda, but no one is listening. The readers are too busy trying to buy guns.