Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Gun Banners Struggling To Find Relevance In A World Prepping For War

It’s not as easy for gun-banners to find someone who is willing to listen to their inane pleas. They’re desperate for an audience – any audience.

Dear Gun Banners; Gabby Giffords, Shannon Watts & Mikey Bloomberg

The instant the first Russian T-80 crossed the Ukrainian border, the whole world could see the uselessness of everything you’ve ever said and everything you’ve ever done.

Gun Hating Moms Blame Common ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws for Skyrocketing Murder Rates

Times are tough for Bloomberg’s well-paid anti-gun "moms". They rant & rave about the evils of gun ownership but in America, no one is listening.

11th-Hour Arming of Ukrainians Met by Gun-Grabber Silence and About-Face by CNN

So, they’re admitting an armed citizenry is “necessary to the security of a free State”?

‘Soft’ DAs, Not Guns, Are Problem, Says Ex-Prosecutor as Moms Fight Permitless Carry

Former federal prosecutor Charles Stimson told Fox News Digital that the nation’s crime problem lays at the feet of “soft-on-crime district attorneys,” not guns.

Gun Control ‘Experts’ Panic, Supreme Court Hears 2A Case

No citizen should be required to justify his or her exercise of an enumerated right, which is really what the New York case is all about.

Oregon Gun Storage Bill Endangers and Blames Victims

“Today the House Committee on Health Care heard HB2510, a bill to hold gun owners liable for the violent crimes of thieves,” OFF alerted members Thursday.

The post Oregon Gun Storage Bill Endangers and Blames Victims appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

Everytown’s Anti-Freedom Effort Grinding Away in Times of COVID in NJ

COVID-19 may have slowed down the world, but it has not stalled those who want to strip us from our GOD-given freedoms!

The post Everytown’s Anti-Freedom Effort Grinding Away in Times of COVID in NJ appeared first on AmmoLand.com.