Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Republicans Bet the Farm

President Trump, every Republican senator, and the GOP majority in Speaker Paul Ryan's House just put the future of their party on the line.

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GOP Needn’t Despair About Alabama

It's quite troubling that the GOP's thin Senate majority just became anorexic, but this election by itself is not a predictor of a Democratic rout in 2018.

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Republican Trump Critics Missing the Boat

Millions of everyday American conservatives -- even if they don't wholly approve of Trump's style, manners or idiosyncrasies -- are cheering Trump.

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GOP Tax Shelter

The GOP can not live by tax cuts alone, and may pay a heavy price for not repealing and replacing Obamacare. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco 2017.

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That Bloodbath in the Old Dominion

Republican candidates will have to decide how close they wish to get to President Trump, or how far away they can risk going and survive.

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Why Republican Politicians Ignore Gun Owners

Republican politicians ignore gun owners for two prominent reasons. Money and political factionalism have marginalized the gun vote.

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Republican Bill to Ban Bump Fire Stocks and NRA Support Review of Laws

The National Rifle Association has announced that it supports the review of bump fire stocks to see if they are in accordance with current federal law..

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Trump Dumps the Do-Nothing Congress

In the days of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, Congress was a rival to even strong presidents. Those days are long gone.

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