Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Stand Up For Your Towns: Briefing Sheet For Community Guards

Some have asked if there is a briefing sheet for how community guards would function to protect their communities from the mayhem that has been in the news.

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Revitalization Of The Militia System

Hear Sam Elliott's inspiring tribute to WWII D-Day combat medic SGT Ray Lambert from the 2019 National Memorial Day Concert.

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Charlottesville Lawsuit Claims 2nd Amendment Does Not Protect Militias?

If this lawsuit is successful, it could have far-reaching implications when it comes to the militia clause of the Second Amendment.

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Venezuelan president to provide firearms to 400,000 loyalists

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced he will provide firearms to as many as 400,000 loyalists in an effort to bolster the number of civilians in armed militias.

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Ghost Of Our Forefathers – Quick Response Forces, Interview

Membership and exact training are a closely guarded secrets, but I was able to land an interview with Tim Delpiero.

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Steps Gun Owners Can Take After Orlando Terror Attack

We need to develop local militias and as it turns out, there is a perfect vehicle for this.

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Grassroots Action Proposed for Constitutional Militia

If there are no constitutional Militia in operation, and this state of affairs is lawfully within the power of Congress and the States to continue, then what meaning does 'militia-suitable arms' have

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The Deerslayer, the Suburban Cowboy, and the Militia

From time to time, an email circulates on the web that purports to count the number of hunters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and some other states, then compares those numbers to.....

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Ferguson: Where Open Carry Leads

One purpose of the second amendment is the ability to form militias to enforce public order. The ability to openly carry arms is essential for this purpose...

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Update: Armed ‘Oath Keepers’ Threatened With Arrest for Guarding Ferguson Businesses

Oath Keepers explained that since they are all volunteers and unpaid, the police department’s complaint that they did not obtain a license for providing security is unsound...

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