Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Michigan Shooter’s Parents Did The Second Amendment No Favors

The parents of the person accused of killing four students at a Michigan high school have done efforts to protect our rights no favors, and in fact, made our task much harder.

Disputed Facts in the Gun Debate

The gun debate is difficult. Unfortunately, there isn’t one gun debate, but dozens of them. Even the questions that seem simple are hard to answer well.

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New Gun Owners Account for 40 Percent of California Guns Purchased

Those who campaign for a disarmed population take comfort in persuading themselves that gun ownership is declining in the United States.

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Australia Gun Culture, Ownership Increases in NSW and Australia: Part 6

In the above chart, the numbers are unclear. Is it 14,542 registered guns, or licensed gun owners in Tamworth, NSW, Australia?

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NSSF on Pew survey: Expresses optimism about gun ownership, raises doubt about public opinion

The trade association for the gun industry expressed optimism with the findings from a Pew Research survey showing four-out-of-10 people saying they live in a household with a gun.

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Unexplained link between crime victimization, gun ownership

Gallup analysts said Monday they can’t explain the “statistically significant” relationship between crime victimization and gun ownership found while studying 16 years of survey results.

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How do we prevent terrorism like the Orlando shooting?

Having failed to consider the details of politically motivated killings, a HuffPo article asserts that guns are the problem.

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Modern gun ownership exemplifies diversity

Spurred by the need for personal protection, a growing contingency of gun owners is bucking the white, heterosexual male stereotype and using firearms to level the battlefield.

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Stronger gun laws top issue for women voters in 2016

Beating out equal pay and women’s health, stronger gun laws topped the list for policies favored by women with 87 percent, according to the National Survey of Voters project “Women and the 2016 Elections.”

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