Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Gun Owners Need More Rules? In This Case, Yes!

Paul Valone has written a very important primer that helps all of us recognize where we can best fit our talents and goals to beat the control freaks and prohibitionists at their own game...

Mexican Fast and Furious Warrants Ignore Roles U.S. Government Played

We know part of the answer was so that ATF management could treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations.

Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF ‘Gunwalker’ Questions

We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.

Terry FOIA Request to State Dept. Closes Leaving More Questions than Answers

By not allowing the truth to be known, and by ensuring that those responsible will not be held accountable, the incentive never to do it again has been reduced.

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Ridicule of Guns During Covid-19 Pandemic Predictably Ignorant ~ VIDEO

Where have we seen our urban media betters dismiss flyover Americans as “Deplorables” and slack-jawed yokels before? Or perhaps I should ask "When haven't we?"

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Jeremy Renner Divorce Complaint Raises Red Flag, Restraining Order Questions

Because he, with other privileged celebrities, came out in full support of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence/Bloomberg Mayors Against Illegal Guns agenda to “Demand a Plan.”

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Anti-Gunner’s Shock Video Fuels Racist Smear against White Conservatives

The real issue here is one that ultimately will determine the “legal” fate of traditional American citizens in general and gun owners in particular..

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Rotting Deadwood

If Trump and the Russians really stole the election from Hillary Clinton in 2016, you would think the Democrats would want her to run so she could prove Trump can't win again without "collusion"?

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Trump’s Crucial Test at San Ysidro

Progressives fail to understand that what they describe as ever more desirable diversity, millions of Americans see as the conquest of their country by an endless flood of uninvited strangers.

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Hillary Clinton Threatens Civil Disobedience Until Dems Get Power ~ VIDEO

She said this week, civility would be possible only when she and her party are back in a majority position in both houses of Congress, and the White House.

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Hillary Clinton #MeTwofaced

Former first lady Hillary Clinton disputed the assertion that her husband's affair with a White House intern constituted an abuse of power and said he was correct not to resign after the scandal.

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