Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Major Gun Bill Introduced in the Iowa House

House Study Bill 133 (HSB133) is a comprehensive gun bill that effectively re-writes a large portion of Iowa’s firearms and use of force laws.

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Wyoming: Senate Vote Coming as Early as Tomorrow!

Last week both HB136 “Campus Carry” and HB137 “Repeal Gun Free Zones” made it past the Senate Judiciary committee, and must now face a full vote on the Senate floor.

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Wyoming: Gun Bills on the Move in Cheyenne!

With little fanfare, HB 136 and HB 137 were passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday by a vote of 4 to 1!

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Measure To Overturn Obama Social Security Gun Ban Sent to Trump’s Desk

In a stunning victory for the pro-gun community, the first bill to repeal an Obama anti-gun measure is now headed to President Trump's desk.

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Montana School Safety Act introduced – HB 385

MSSA's "School Safety Act" has been introduced as HB 385, and will have a public hearing before the House Judiciary Committee (HJC) on Tuesday, 2/14.

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Florida Burden Of Proof Bill Passed Out of Committee ~ VIDEO

SB-128 Burden of Proof by Sen. Rob Bradley restores the presumption of innocence in self-defense cases by putting the burden of proof BACK ON THE STATE where it belongs.

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Virginia Pro-Gun Bills Advance & Anti-Gun Bills Continue To Pour In

Registration of all guns, Universal Background Checks, Gun Show Loophole, Destruction of firearms preemption law allowing localities to make up their own gun control laws and more...

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Missouri Introduces Bill To Hold Businesses That Post “No Guns” Signs Liable

In Missouri, legislation is being considered to hold businesses who prohibit firearms liable for injuries to people who could have defended themselves.

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New Hampshire : Constitutional Carry Legislative Update Jan. 2017

New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working very hard to pass Constitutional Carry this year. I want to give you a quick legislative update on what you can do to help..

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Florida Open Carry Bill in Senate Judiciary Committee Jan 10th

The first, and arguably the most important pro-Second Amendment rights bill of the 2017 legislative session is about to be heard.

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Gun Control Bills Filed In Advance Of New Mexico Legislature’s 2017 Session

The branding of gun control bills filed in advance of the 2017 Regular Session of the New Mexico Legislature are misleading and downright deceptive.

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Ohio: Kasich Signs Critical Self-Defense Bill Into Law!

This important self-defense law is another step forward in protecting the Second Amendment rights of active duty members, employees and law-abiding Ohioans across The Buckeye State..

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