Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Facts and Fantasies about Guns and Gun Control

Let's fill in the facts that the gun prohibitionists always leave out. Guns save lives so gun control laws do more harm than good.

SCOTUS can Provide Restitution for Unconstitutional Laws

New York arrests honest gun owners who try to pass through the state. Now the case before the US Supreme Court has a different character.

Everytown Gun Banners say GOP Must Apologize for Saying ‘Defend Yourself with a Gun’

Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety demanded an apology from two Republicans who are pushing campus carry as a way for college women to protect themselves against sexual assault...

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Bloomberg & Watt’s ‘Everytown’ Accidentally Makes Pro Self Defense Commercial

What Bloomberg and Co have actually managed to do with this commercial is to prove exactly what Pro Gun, Pro Self Defense, Pro Women empowerment advocates have been pointing out for years...

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Sandy Hook and the Body Count of Gun Control Bleeds On

December 14 was the anniversary of the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. We could talk about effective measures to stop public violence but we’re not...

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