Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Why Gun Owners Call BS Every Time Anti-Gun Left Calls for Common Sense

If it was just not for that darn NRA thwarting these “common sense” laws to save the lives of children the world would be a safer place...

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My Take on ‘Common Sense’ Laws – Make ‘Irresponsible Speech’ A Crime

After all, we don’t want the uneducated, the corrupt, nor the crude freely spreading their prevarication, do we?

The post My Take on ‘Common Sense’ Laws – Make ‘Irresponsible Speech’ A Crime appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

“Common sense” and other logical fallacies

Gun control advocates have a favorite way of describing their proposals—common sense or sensible—which is a tactic designed to preempt opposition. But whether a new gun regulation is sensible or not is precisely what needs to be debated.

The post “Common sense” and other logical fallacies appeared first on Guns.com.

Dear Santa: I want real “common sense” for Christmas

This year, I would like you to please bring large doses of common sense and a deeper appreciation of data to people who think guns are the problem.

The post Dear Santa: I want real “common sense” for Christmas appeared first on Guns.com.

Is Thinking Obsolete?

In an age when scientists are creating artificial intelligence, too many of our educational institutions seem to be creating artificial stupidity...

The post Is Thinking Obsolete? appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

So Much For Personal Responsibility

I'm not saying let's go out and kill all stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all warning labels, and let the problem work itself out...

The post So Much For Personal Responsibility appeared first on AmmoLand.com.