Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Ask Dettelbach Tough Questions about ‘AFT’ Abuses During Confirmation Hearings

Still, he’ll go through the Senate Judiciary Committee process, and GOA’s pre-nomination alert poses a question that invites more.

Mexican Fast and Furious Warrants Ignore Roles U.S. Government Played

We know part of the answer was so that ATF management could treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations.

Bannon, Barr and Holder; Why Only One Gets Third-Degree Treatment

Eric Holder defied a congressional subpoena about the Operation ‘Fast & Furious,’ a gun trafficking scandal that led to the death of Border Agent Brian Terry, was he held accountable?

Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF ‘Gunwalker’ Questions

We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.

ATF Claims FOIA Request on Hunter Biden Gun Violates His Privacy

Under these circumstances, the request should have been denied categorically without a search due to the substantial privacy interests retained by the subject of Mr. Codrea’s request.

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Open Letter to Sen. Grassley on David Chipman’s ATF Director Nomination

It would be not just appropriate, but the Senate Judiciary Committee's duty, to determine the truth of all the allegations posted on CUATF. 

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Terry FOIA Request to State Dept. Closes Leaving More Questions than Answers

By not allowing the truth to be known, and by ensuring that those responsible will not be held accountable, the incentive never to do it again has been reduced.

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U.S. Guns-to-Mexico Reports Suggests ‘Deja Vu All Over Again’

The American public is still being subjected to disinformation by a media that is either hopelessly incompetent, deliberately misleading, or both.

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‘War Criminal’ Deported as U.S. ‘War on Guns’ Criminals Continue to Evade Justice

As 'Fast And Furious' ambush news unfolded At Justice Dept. “Top men” were being informed to get a handle on things, to find out what happened, and to make decisions on what to do.

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GA Rep. Asks President Trump to Pardon Former FBI Agent Railroaded on Gun Charges

That and the reality is, if one person -- no matter his background or whether you or I like him or not -- suffers injustice at the hands of vindictive state officials, we all are vulnerable.

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