Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Ted Cruz Wants to Be Deplorable Too

"If you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him.” ~ Ted Cruz

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Sore Loser

Cruz refused to endorse Trump at his own convention and help unite the Republican party against Hillary.

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Cruz gets booed for not endorsing Trump in RNC speech

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz elicited mostly positive feedback from the crowd of thousands in attendance during his speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Wednesday night.

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An Autopsy of a Movement

Regardless of the outcome of the election, regardless the continued existence of the Republican Party, conservatives do not know how to convince voters of their ideas...

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The Fat Lady’s Singing For Cruz

Is Cruz choosing Fiorina in a last ditch effort to stay in the race and trump up Trump?

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Eating their own

Ronald Reagan famously offered an eleventh commandment for Republicans, telling his party not to attack their own.  He didn’t exactly follow his own rules in the 1976 primaries running against President Gerald Ford, and as with many pieces of advice, they have to be stated vigorously and frequently thanks to how often such rules are […]

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Cruising to Indiana

My calculus is rather simple. The problems we face are overwhelmingly the result of liberal policies of the past 50-plus years.

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Reversing Trump’s False Narratives

Trump's nomination is far from a foregone conclusion, but to prevent it, Cruz must effectively combat the false narratives that Trump is inevitable..

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Cruz vs. Trump: Comparing their Tax Proposals

As Donald Trump and Ted Cruz battle to become the Republican nominee for president, it is time to closely consider their policies.

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Conservatives for Trump?

A President of the United States has many heavy responsibilities beyond building a wall and fighting the Republican establishment.

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