Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Doctors Asking Patients About Guns is an Ethical Violation & Malpractice… VIDEO

So far we strongly object to the notion that doctors have any right to ask patients routinely about gun ownership. That's an ethical violation and malpractice if it leads to harm.

American Medical Association versus America

The AMA has left most physicians behind by focusing on politics more than medicine as they continue denigrating the vast number of Second Amendment respecting health care providers...

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Medical Economic’s Biased Article Reeks of Hoplophobia

The editors at Medical Economics, choice of a fuming hoplophobe to write about guns only confirms that bias is alive in their newsletter...

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A Gun Owner Goes to the Doctor

Most doctors don’t care whether you own guns & won’t bother asking because they don’t have the time, but what if your doctor asks you about your guns?

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Studying Anti-Gun Studies: Confusion, Obfuscation & Irrelevance

Gun Research
Studying Anti-Gun Studies: Confusion, Obfuscation & Irrelevance
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- They’re at it again, so we are too.

They” are the ‘gun violence is a public health issue’ crowd, who keep propounding theories about how guns should be treated as autonomous risk factors for injury and death.

DRGO will keep setting them straight.  If we weren’t volunteers, we’d thank them for keeping us so busy.

The big news from the front this week was an article appearing May 16 2016 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Yes, You Can: Physicians, Patients, and Firearms by Garen Wintemute and two other MD/MPH’s. 

Gun Violence Restraining Orders, Unrestrained

No appearance, representation or defense by the accused is required, as one might think is mandated by the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

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What’s Wrong: Some Women or All Guns?

Most women who are afraid of guns have no bad personal experiences of them...

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What Do Women Want – with Firearms?

The movement toward individual gun ownership and carrying firearms among women has ballooned...

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Does Firearm Legislation Affect Firearm-Related Injuries? Reviewing a Review

We take some satisfaction in revealing when “research” turns out to be made of recycled memes, illogical methods and forgone conclusions.

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How We’re Taught About Guns – Part Two

Sheltering children from depictions of guns did nothing to protect them from their innate curiosity about the world, including firearms.

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How We’re Taught About Guns – Part 1

Since 2000, the Entertainment Industries Council published a Firearm Depiction Tip Sheet to guide production staff in how to show firearms in the most undesirable ways.

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Guns Are Not Pathogens, The Truth Is Out

What is remarkable is the USA has the highest rate of civilian gun ownership in the world. Yet the United States is among the safest places to live in the world...

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