Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

I am Tired of Being Called a White Racist

I don’t know when it occurred to me that I had gone from having shaken hands with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to being called a white racist, but apparently I was not paying attention...

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EDITORIAL: What Gun Owners must learn from George Zimmerman

"I want to look at what we can learn, as a community of gun owners and concealed carry holders, from this case and how we can use these lessons to avoid the legal pitfalls along our path to personal security and happiness."

The post EDITORIAL: What Gun Owners must learn from George Zimmerman appeared first on Guns.com.

The Dreaded ‘N’ Word

I truly hope current political correctness does not damage the future of the men and women who bet their lives when they volunteer to serve and protect America...

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EzineArticles Discriminates Against Gun Writers & the 2nd Amendment

I submitted an article suggesting that anyone who owns a firearm for personal defense should also learn traumatic first aid to save a life, but the naked truth is EzineArticles is prejudice against firearms...

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Obama’s ATF Targeting Hispanic Gun Buyers with New Racist Form 4473

Every person completing this form must now, under a new question “10.a,” confirm or deny whether they are Hispanic or Latino. Failure to do so will cause potential criminal prosecution & a denial of 2A Rights...

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The Most Racist Presidential Campaign Ever

How can any conscious person think that race is not an issue in the upcoming election? Yet the "news" media is falling into lock step behind the politically correct lie that race is not an issue...

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Gun Control – A Relic of Racism

In no other area, save gun control, would otherwise sane people honestly try to claim that a law, previously used to subjugate an entire race, can be applied to the whole population for positive effect...

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Memberless VPC Decries Meeting of 70,000 of NRA’s Members in Charlotte

For quite a long time now, the three or four anti-gun radicals that make up the Violence Policy Center haven’t had much to show...

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Racist Maryland Gun Bill Will Label You a ‘Gun Owner’ on your DRLC

If Brian Frosh and Samuel Rosenberg have their way, Maryland's gun owners will be singled out for "Special Treatment" and branded as "gun owners" on their driver's license....

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