Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Hillary Opera Won’t Be Over ‘Till Fat Lady Sings’ – In Federal Court

Americans must smoke out renegade Congressional Republicans and force action on Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016, H.R. 5271.

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Congress Must Enact The Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act & Do So, Now!

Since the Department of Justice will not perform its duties under the U.S. Constitution, Congress must act to demand integrity of the Executive Branch.

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Collusion Between The State Department & The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Foundation

Clinton, as Secretary of State, manufactured foreign & domestic policies for the benefit of others, for personal pecuniary gain, channeling those proceeds through her Foundation...

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Did Hillary Clinton Use Private Email Servers To Cover Her Tracks? Obviously, So!

Did not multinational corporations, foreign governments & billionaires purchase the U.S. Government policy they wanted through monies paid to the Clinton Foundation?

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Iovi Et Bovi: The Teflon Hillary Standard

Hillary Clinton serially lied about her homeland security-jeopardizing homebrew email server, and the Obama administration is letting her get away with it.

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No, Hillary, It Is Not Time to Move On

Mrs. Clinton, it is not time to move on. It is time you were indicted for your email felonies, & it is time for all Americans to understand just how abominable your actions were on Benghazi...

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National Shooting Sports Foundation Calls for ATF Investigation Of ‘Under the Gun’

The NSSF calls upon the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Forearms and Explosives (ATF) to open a criminal investigation into this important matter...

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‘Under the Gun’ Director, Stephanie Soechtig, Confesses to Federal Gun Crimes

Ms. Stephanie Soechtig excitedly states in a video interview with The Lip TV how she brazenly broke federal gun laws for Katie Couric's anti gun hit piece Under the Gun..

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Louisiana Poachers Caught on Trail Cam, LDWF Wants More Info

A landowner alerted agents about a photo that his game camera took of two men with deer at 8:37 p.m. on Nov. 22 2014 in the Kolin and Effie area of Rapides Parish...

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