Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

ATF Actions Show Selective and Inconsistent Rules and Enforcement

It’s just another example of the ongoing federal con job to infringe on our rights, keep gun owners under their boot, and amass self-serving power...

Mexican Fast and Furious Warrants Ignore Roles U.S. Government Played

We know part of the answer was so that ATF management could treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations.

Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF ‘Gunwalker’ Questions

We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.

ATF Rules Capricious, Arbitrary, Political, and Stupid

They define an incompetent administration that revels in power but has no idea how to effect basic management controls.

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Lying Anti-Trump Ad No Surprise When You See Who’s Behind It

So who are these guys trying to dishonestly influence an election (and you'd think there'd be laws against knowing fraud)?

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Democrats Show Partisan Hypocrisy in Contempt Treatments

Cummings had a personal culpability stake in seeing any investigation into “gunwalking” stonewalled, deflected and left to die on the vine.

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‘Lies of Omission’ Offers Millennials Perspectives on Guns, Freedom

The film introduces many millenials to “old” perspectives on freedom for the first time -- that's because of what they have not been taught in schools or exposed to in the “popular” media.

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