Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

“Children Of Color” Aren’t “Colored Children”

Online definitions seem to apply to the terms "colored people" and "people of color," suggesting the terms are mere propaganda and thought control related to political correctness, and not racism...

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Misguided Liberals in a Tizzy

"...is not a negro as good as a white man to stop a bullet?" It's difficult to determine where this purging of the nation's history should end.

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ESPN’s , Miss Placed Hate FAIL

Robert Lee, a sportscaster living in 2017, shares a name with Robert E. Lee, the 147-years dead Confederate general whose statue was at the center of Charlottesville’s unrest.

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Can Cops Get a Fair Trial in America?

Al Sharpton's cop-bashing circus is back in full swing. Harlem's godfather of racial hoax crimes was in Oklahoma last week...

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Benjamin Crump : TV’s Rising Fake News Star

The fake news rising star is far too busy to bother with facts that undermine the lucrative social justice racket. Damn the truth. It's showtime!

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History of the Violent Left, Know Thy Enemy

When are we going to have a conversion about left wing violence? To me, it seems long overdue...

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The Black Community and Crime

The liberals' argument ignores the fact that there was far greater civility in black neighborhoods at a time when there was far greater poverty and discrimination.

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A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz – Bakeries

It is not enough for family-owned pastry shops to bow to the gay marriage mob. Now, they're being targeted by the social justice mafia.

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Clinton and Obama, First Heal Yourselves on Race

Hillary Clinton is the worst kind of political animal, one who will exploit anything for political gain, distort facts and shift her positions at will...

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Mulan vs. the Diversity-Mongers

Why is it that the self-appointed Definers of racial and ethnic Authenticity get to pick and choose which historical inaccuracies and inconsistencies to protest or ignore?

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Hillary Clinton Plays the Race Card to Save Her Sinking Election Ship

With the lies, dirty emails and proof of influence peddling piling up on crooked Hillary Clinton, what defense does she have left? Play the race card.

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Make America White Again Image a Hoax

While liberals screamed the image was proof that Trump Supporters were racists, It wasn't difficult to determine that the photograph had been altered.

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