Hillary Clinton Plays the Race Card to Save Her Sinking Election Ship

Evil Hillary Clinton Stare
Hillary Clinton Plays the Race Card to Save Her Sinking Election Ship

AmmoLand Gun News

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- With the lies, dirty emails and proof of influence peddling piling up on crooked Hillary Clinton, what defense does she have left?

Do what all liberals do when confronted with the truth, play the race card.

And that is just what she did today, calling Donald Trump a racist while trying to link him to white supremacists and the KKK.

In Reno, Nevada, Clinton screeched a list of false accusations against her Republican rival in a poorly attended speech seeking to tie Trump to fringe groups.

“Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia,” Clinton said, according to prepared remarks.

Well nice try, but if Donald Trump can now be called racist because some in the “Alt Right” like what he says, doesn’t that make Hillary Clinton a confirmed communist since the Communist Party USA gave her great accolades and all but endorsed her in their recent comments and coverage of the Democratic National Convention.

Donald Trump anticipated this attack coming and headed her off with these remarks before communist Hillary’s desperate spin attempt:

“First, on the border, the people of this country who want their laws enforced and respected, respected by all, and want their borders secured are not racists,” Trump said, adding, “It makes you smart. It makes you an American. They’re all patriotic Americans.”

So be sure and tweet comrade @HillaryClinton and remind her that she is the race-baiting bigot, not to mention a blatant liar…