Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Last Letter for the Year ~ 2nd Amendment Patriots

It’s my hope and probably many on this email list that this will be my last letter for the year. I will try not to disappoint.

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An Endless Circle

In my email to remind everyone that the November 2nd Amendment Patriots meeting would be the last one for this year and our next one will be in January, I finished the letter that much can.....

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New & Old Shooters -Come Enjoy Some 2nd Hand Smoke

I highly recommend turning off the computer & cell phone and soaking up a little recoil & gun smoke and for those who like a little extra get down wind for second hand smoke...

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The Madding Push For More Useless Gun Control

Sometimes a person feels like just throwing in the towel after listening or reading the daily news...

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1st and 2nd Under Attack – Indiana Front Lines Report

For those that still don’t connect the dots, the first and second amendments to the Bill of Rights are now squarely in the crosshairs in this country...

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Indiana 2nd Amendment Patriots, Going On 17 Years

We’re coming up on 17 years from when we started the 2nd Amendment Patriots group and we have accomplished a lot of goals for gun rights and gun owners...

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Gun Control, Big Box Stores & National History, The Dots Don’t Connect

How fast would major worldwide chain stores would react to remove ammo and firearms from their stores if the public, media and politicians rattle their swords to do so...

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2nd Amendment Now Vulnerable the Same Treatment as Religious Freedom in Indiana

The law became a nuclear explosion ignited by the [liberal] news media’s deliberate misrepresentation in their so called reporting...

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Indiana Short Barreled Shotgun Bill Now On Governor’s Desk

It must be noted that this does not allow for someone to cut the barrel off of a shotgun. Those firearms are manufactured under federally licensed manufacturers & Regulated by ATF...

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Poll: America Says Yes to More Guns

The report went on to say that it appears attitudes are changing in support of gun ownership. It’s nice to get a glimmer of hope of rising common sense now and then...

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Giving Thanks ~ 2ndamendmentpatriots.org

In spite of how bad we’re told America is, I don’t see it that way. I’m proud I’m an American and this country has been pretty darn good to me and my family...

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Anti Freedom Trolls at the Door

Gun owners in Indiana need to be reminded that just because there isn’t any in your face reports about anti gun promotions, the liberty shredding machine is still grinding away...

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