Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

ProGun Organization Files Petition in U.S. Supreme Court to Review ATF Bump Stock Ban

Gun Owners Of America’s petition argues that the ATF circumvented Congress in its attempt to create arbitrarily new federal law.

U.S Senate Considering Criminal Investigations for Innocent Gun Owners?

Passage would result in criminal investigations into TENS OF THOUSANDS of innocent, law-abiding Americans for the non-crime of being denied a gun purchase by a broken background check system.

NYC’s Blueprint to End Gun Violence, Will Violate 2nd, 4th, & 5th Amendment Rights

The real crime here is that President Biden, VP Harris & NYC Mayor Adams want to duplicate New York's oppressive Anti-Gun laws across the county.

Alabama Sheriffs Association Director Wants to Rewrite the Second Amendment

Gun owners should be shocked by the recent statements of the Alabama Sheriffs Association’s Director, Robert Timmons.

FBI Admits It Is Often Wrong On Gun Related Background Check Denials

Uncovered FBI records provide even further reasons why Congress should finally end the Brady Act’s seriously flawed & unconstitutional background check experiment.

Virginia Incorrectly Adds 46,000 Citizens To FBI’s NICS Prohibited Person List

Blaming a technical error, Virginia State Police incorrectly added over 46,000 residents a Federal list of people prohibited from owning guns.

SCOTUS Hears Oral Arguments on Important Second Amendment Case

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen today - THE Second Amendment Case of the decade

Republicans Cave to Gun Control with Violence Against Women Act

The ultimate question for any Republican considering “negotiating” infringements on the right to keep and bear arms with Democrats is “Why?”

PA Candidate for Erie County Sheriff “I Won’t Be Complicit In AntiGun Airport Scheme”

I want to assure the voters of Erie County, that if you elect Brian Shank as your Sheriff, I will not participate in these politically motivated schemes to harass those who lawfully carry firearms.

Biden Arms Taliban While Looking to Ban 40,000,000 Pistols from U.S. Gun Owners

The Biden administration has handed over 600,000 U.S.-made firearms to the Taliban, but where is the ATF focusing its efforts? On disarming the American people.

The post Biden Arms Taliban While Looking to Ban 40,000,000 Pistols from U.S. Gun Owners appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

Biden Arms Taliban & Bans Ammunition Intended for Americans

Instead of triaging the catastrophe in Afghanistan and bringing Americans – military and civilian – home, the Biden State Department is trying to score political points.

The post Biden Arms Taliban & Bans Ammunition Intended for Americans appeared first on AmmoLand.com.