Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Secret Service Affidavit Denies Involvement in Hunter Biden Lost Gun Investigation

Multiple reports claim Biden’s handgun was thrown into a supermarket trash receptacle by his widowed sister-in-law and then-lover. That response opens the door to...

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ATF Claims FOIA Request on Hunter Biden Gun Violates His Privacy

Under these circumstances, the request should have been denied categorically without a search due to the substantial privacy interests retained by the subject of Mr. Codrea’s request.

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Complaint Seeks Secret Service Compliance with Hunter Biden Gun FOIA Request

The agency is charged with improperly withholding records it is required by Freedom of Information Act laws to produce regarding its role in the case of a gun belonging to Hunter Biden.

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Secret Service Says ‘No Record Found’ in Hunter Biden Gun Investigation

Considering the Biden administration is all about "gun control," the hypocrisy of deliberately violating the law must not be ignored. Nor should any official cover-ups.

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FOIA Request Asks ATF and Secret Service About Hunter Biden Gun Investigation

The issue here is that by purchasing his gun from a dealer, Biden would have had to answer “No”  on the ATF Form 4473 question about being an unlawful user of a controlled substance.

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Evidence Suggests Hunter Biden Committed Federal Felony when He Purchased Gun

Did Hunter Biden commit a federal felony when he purchased his gun that was later left in a trash can and never recovered?

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