Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

GOAL Responds to Bogus Boston University Gun Homicide Study

This week WBZ TV ran a story about a bogus Boston University study which tries to draw a parallel between gun ownership and homicides...

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Boston Public Gun Control Hearings Have Concluded – GOAL Was There

Those that oppose our Second Amendment freedom continued to speak from the same talking points provided by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns...

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Main Stream Media Marginalizing The Second Amendment

Many media outlets have become incredibly adept at subliminally phrasing stories and headlines with the intent of marginalizing the Second Amendment and law abiding citizens...

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Massachusetts Rally for 2A Rights September 13th 2013

Please join us in solidarity and help us send a strong message to the committee in support of our Second Amendment Rights...

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Gun Owners Action League Members Testify Before Legislative Hearing On Massachusetts Gun Laws

The best way to communicate the problems with the gun laws in Massachusetts is through personal experience and GOAL and its members are more than happy to talk about the continuing problems we see and experience daily...

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Mass. Supreme Judicial Court Remains An Activist Court With No Respect For The Constitution

It is plainly evident that the Court simply carefully manipulates the English language and current law to fit its politics. What do we do as citizens when our highest court rules on statements that are factually incorrect???

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April 2013 Edition of GOAL News Now Online

Gun Owners’ Action League is the official state firearms association in Massachusetts. We are an association of law-abiding citizens who believe in the basic right of firearms ownership for competition, recreation and self-protection...

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Civil Rights Rally at the Massachusetts State House: Voices of the Commonwealth

Tomorrow, Wednesday April 3rd 2013 at noon the citizens of the state of Massachusetts will assemble in support of their constitutionally protected right to own a firearm...

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Gun Rights Rally Behind Enemy Lines

This is your opportunity to make your voice heard! It is critical that you attend this important rally to show support for our Second Amendment rights...

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Massachusetts Join GOAL & Second Amendment Supporters for a Rally Protecting Your Rights

Your presence is needed to demonstrate to MA state legislators that you oppose all legislation that infringes on the rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen....

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Massachusetts Gun Owners’ Action League 2013 Legislation Alert

Attention GOAL members and supporters, in the hail storm of anti-civil rights legislative proposals over the past few weeks it is our time to be proactive...

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Massachusetts Emergency Firearms License Renewal Legislation Filed

Representative George Peterson and Senator Richard Moore will be filing emergency legislation to address the Massachusetts firearm licensing crisis in the next few days...

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