Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

NRA-ILA Ledership Changes & Republicans Are in Trouble

Younger gun owners now perceive the NRA as a “Fudd” organization, more focused on “sporting purposes” than on preservation of the Second Amendment as a natural right.

Celebrate & Protect the 2nd Amendment in Arizona, Patriot Event Notice

I really love that Cheryl, Danny, & I represent the second generation of leadership in the Second Amendment movement in our great state of Arizona.

NRA Elections 2023: LaPierre Wins – NRA Members Lose

This could be our last chance to vote in an NRA Board of Directors election. Unfortunately, there’s not really anyone to vote for...

ATF Shifting Goalposts Again on Firearm Receivers

The BATFE has released a letter to FFLs and the public, “clarifying” their new rules regarding so-called “80% receivers,” which were adopted earlier this year.

Wait… He’s Not Allowed to Have a Gun in Walmart!

The sad reality is that a few people lose their minds, but some do. The number of people who experience total breakdown is, fortunately, a tiny fragment of the population.

Measure-114 in Oregon Screws Over State Police, Gun Shops & Tax Payers

It was already too short to allow the State Police to build, test, & implement a registration & permitting system. The deadline now is December 8th, 2022.

Toxic Masculinity on Display in Colorado ~ VIDEO

That’s just the sort of idiotic intersectional BS that prevents real solutions from being found and implemented. We’ve had enough of the blame games and distractions.

Why Do Voters Keep Electing Politicians Who Think They are Stupid?

Now, with the clear evidence of 25 Constitutional Carry states, there’s no excuse for any politician to suggest calamitous results from liberalizing gun control laws.

Did Joe Biden Restore Gun Rights To 1000’s Of Domestic Abusers?

Biden not only restored gun rights to drug dealers, but he’s also restoring gun rights to drug dealers who have records of domestic violence.

2022 Mid Term Voting Has Begun: What Are You Doing To Defend Your Rights?

So what can you do? As my mother always said: "If you can’t say something nice about the Republican, say something negative about the Democrat."

Elections Are Coming! Time to Crush the Other Side

We GunVoters must act in our own best interests. Like it or not, we live in a two-party system. One of those parties has declared all-out war on our rights.

2A Patriots Hold the Line! Don’t Take the Hate Bait

Biden and the Democrats are Trolling GunVoters and the “right.” Don’t take their bait. Don’t give them bad behavior in response to inflammatory rhetoric. Hold the line.