Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Evolve to America: ‘We need a National Gun Safety Day’ (VIDEO)

To promote National Gun Safety Day, the non-profit Evolve released the video "American Man" to promote National Gun Safety Day, which it hopes will be recognized nation-wide.

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New ad uses sex toys to stimulate gun safety (VIDEO)

An organization called Evolve used sex toys to stimulate gun owners into safe practices in a new ad called “Playthings.” The ad shows two mothers standing outside a home, waiting for their children. A moment later, their kids, armed with one of the mother’s sex toys, rush outside and engage in a sword fight. The […]

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‘Evolve’ official trailer: Happy hunting (VIDEO)

“Evolve” is a next-gen multiplayer game meant to revolutionize PvP action. Staged in a “savage world of man vs. nature,” the player, a huge Monster, is pitted against four Hunters, according to the video posted to YouTube. “Evolve” is set to release this coming Fall/Autumn for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Those that pre-order from […]

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Dan Coonan Responds to TTAG Article ‘Coonan Throws In With False Flag Gun Org Evolve’

The first step is to start a common dialogue between gun owners and non-gun owners. We at Coonan, Inc. support that dialogue and want to help nurture that growth in the proper direction...

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