Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Wyoming: Self-Defense Legislation Pre-filed in State Senate

It is unreasonable that victims of crime should have to worry about being arrested or prosecuted if they are required to use force to defend themselves or their family.

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Wyoming house committee passes bill allowing guns on college campuses

The Wyoming House Judiciary Committee advanced a bill Tuesday that would allow gun owners with a concealed carry permit to carry firearms on Wyoming college campuses.

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Where is Anthony?

It's been a little over a month since anyone has heard from Anthony. If you're new to this list, Anthony Bouchard is the Founder and Director of Wyoming Gun Owners......

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Wyoming’s ‘Repeal Gun Free Zones Act’ Passed Out Of Committee Unchanged

HB-114 repeal gun free zones passed out of Judiciary Committee 8-1 without any amendments. Today's vote was just a small first step on a long road filled with potholes...

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Wyoming Gun Owners Ready for the 2015 Legislative Session

They are circling the wagons so they can stifle any advancement of gun rights in Wyoming. But that's what they've been doing all along...

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More Details On Scott Brown’s Gun Ban Record

I am very proud to report, that on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Board Member Alan Rice was interviewed by Guns and Liberty Radio Host Anthony Bouchard...

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New Wyoming Rep. Troy Mader Now Wishy Washy on Your Right to Keep & Bear Arms

Rep. Mader needs to immediately stop working for the 'wrong' agenda, and instead follow the lead of pro-gun champions Allen Jaggi and Kendell Kroeker...

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Wyoming Gov Matt Mead Hosts Gun Control Cover Party for CO’s Hickenlooper, Again

It's important that we expose this plan to give Hickenlooper cover, especially when he is coming to our state trying to buy-back pro-gun accolades..

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Cheyenne WY Anti Gun Mayor Joins Opposition To HB-103

Cheyenne mayor Rick Kaysen has long been a secret proponent of gun control, but now he's come out of the closet for all to see...

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Stop Wyoming Turncoat Republican House Rep. Albert Sommers Gutting Pro Gun Bills

Don’t you hate it when politicians talk about “freedom” while running for office -- then once elected and safely in the seat of power they instead push an agenda like gun control???

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Wyoming Concealed Carry Expansion Bill Protested By The Teachers it Was Designed to Protect???

Large crowd of anti-gun education-employees converged upon Cheyenne today. All the usual arguments were proposed, and I must say this is expected from that crowd...

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Obama’s Collaborators in Wyoming Trying An End Run On Freedom

Two weeks ago Judge Jeffery A. Donnell violated his oath to the Wyoming Constitution when he issued a -- gun free zone order -- in the Albany County building, claiming he can do so by his OWN authority...

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