Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Shotguns vs Handguns for home defense: Which is the better fit?

If you were to ask five different self defense instructors about what weapon you should use in your home for personal defense, you’ll likely get five different answers. You can bet though that one will most likely recommend a shotgun and another a handgun, but of the two which is better for you and your […]

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Illinois AG files a lawsuit pushing for federal oversight of Chicago Police reform

“Chicago ain’t ready for reform.” Or is it? Illinois AG forces Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s hand by filing a lawsuit pushing for court-ordered police reform.

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Gear Review: The tactical dog days of August

Considering the mountains of gear on the market for duty and self-protection, it’s refreshing to see some attention to the needs of four-legged partners.

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When the lights go out: Reloading a revolver with a light in hand

If you have spent much time behind a wheel gun you know two things: they run out of ammunition in a hurry and reloading is comparatively slow and complex.

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