Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Republicans Caving Completely to Already Deadly Red Flag Law Demands

This Red Flag Gun Confiscation bill, based on a prototype drafted by the anti-gun Giffords Organization, would send SWAT teams to your door to steal your guns with NO REAL DUE PROCESS WHATSOEVER.

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Third Rate Romance

Senators McCain and Graham join the democrats and mainstream media in their war on President Trump.

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E Tu Lindsey?

Sen. Lindsey Graham thinks his party has gone "bats---" crazy, and joked Thursday that it's possible to get away with murdering Ted Cruz...

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Sen. Graham Presses ATF for Answers on Armor Piercing Ammunition

These questions are even more important since California has enacted legislation that will ban the use of traditional lead ammunition in hunting...

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Sen. Graham: I Have an AR-15 at Home, I Haven’t Hurt Anybody

Kudos to Senator Graham for his reasoned defense of the 2nd Amendment in general, and of the firepower citizens need to defend themselves in specific...

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