Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Dom Raso: Obama wants you to believe Islamic terrorists are just like us.

Veteran U.S. Navy SEAL, Dom Raso, challenges parents to question the safety and security of their children’s schools in the face of the threat of radical Islamic terror.

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Chicago resident shells out thousands for neighborhood security (VIDEO)

“It’s like a supplement, supplement to crime fighting, supplement to police department,” said Howard Greer, who patrols the block.

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Over 80 guns stolen from MN gun shop in 60 seconds

Surveillance video revealed the suspects spent 45 minutes with a blow torch to the metal bars on the front door to gain entry.

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TSA sees record-breaking week of weapons

The last record was set in May 2016 with 68 firearms, but last week the TSA found 74 guns in carry-on bags.

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‘Black Lives Matter’ shirts cause MN officers to walk out on WNBA security job

Referring to the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Lt. Bob Kroll said rushing to judgement without facts is unwarranted and reckless.

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Forgetting a gun in your carry-on could now cost you up to $100K

While it hasn’t been uncommon for TSA agents to send gun owners who forget they’re packing back to checked baggage, that won’t happen anymore.

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