Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Time To Confront The Tyranny Of Social Media Censorship

The Trump administration is laying the groundwork to fence them all in for their blatant discrimination, including their targeting of pro-gun voices. It’s about time. Where’s the “hell-yes” emoji?

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N.M. Gov. Grisham Next Up In Everytown’s VP Batter Box

The governor lectured, “Elected leaders need to be not intimidated by the NRA and by the efforts of some groups and law enforcement folks. When you’ve got some sheriffs...putting out false information

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Biden’s #GunVote Problem ~ VIDEO

It’s a Biden vs. Trump bout coming up in November. Progressive Sen. Sanders has undoubtedly pushed Democrats to the left, but it’s former Vice President Biden who has made gun control a rallying cry.

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Biden’s Profane Response To Second Amendment Rights ~ VIDEO

The presidential candidate found himself squaring off with Second Amendment supporting union workers during a tour in Michigan. Needless to say, the back-and-forth did not go well for him

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Lawyers’ Professional Standards Group Promotes Gun Control Over Protecting Rights

The American Bar Association recently ramped up its attempts to restrict lawful gun ownership and further stigmatize the firearm industry.

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Biden’s Desperation Means Increased Threats to Gun Rights

Going into the South Carolina primary, Sen. Sanders had a lead with 34 delegates and the once-favored former Vice President is in an abysmal 5th place with only six delegates.

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Bloomberg Continues Stumbling Over Constitution And Rights ~ VIDEO

Michael Bloomberg’s disdain for the Constitution and the rights of free individuals disqualifies him from taking up the oath of office.

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Sen. Sanders’ Cluelessness, Ignorance and Disregard for Gun Laws is Frightening

Presidential contender U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is either straight out lying, ignorant or seriously uninformed about gun laws in the United States.

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Tucker Carlson Calls Out Calpers For Political Investment Decisions ~ VIDEO

Playing politics by irrationally selling off legal U.S. firearms companies stock and hurting the Americans that work there, especially while supporting the Chinese military, is simply wrong.

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California Facing Self-Imposed Public Lands Funding Crisis

California wildlife officials are noticing a crisis. Hunters and anglers are largely responsible for wildlife conservation funding. On the left coast, though, that funding pool is drying up.

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Everytown Distances Bloomberg Comments, But Addicted to His Billions

Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun control group bankrolled by billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, is treading lightly with their benefactor's Presidential race.

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California Sheriff Supports Gun Owner Privacy After Newspaper Requests Records

If law-abiding gun owners needed another reason to be dubious of why their firearms ownership should be made public, the San Francisco Chronicle recently provided it.

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