Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

New Premier Danielle Smith: A Win For Canadian Gun Owners

Albertans hitched their wagon to liberty and a free market economy, electing Danielle Smith. That is good news for gun owners.

Looming Canadian FedGov Gun Confiscations: What to do?

If the police are at your door, understand this: they are not there to help you. They are either there to confiscate your legally-owned property or they suspect you of some other crime. Remain calm

Canada’s de Facto Handgun Confiscation Lawsuit ~ Overiew

CSSA is taking multiple actions to protect & defend the property & the Charter rights of its members & those of the entire Canadian firearms community.

LawFare: Multi-Pronged Lawsuits Filed Against Trudeau Government Over Handgun Freeze

The Trudeau government rendered handguns valueless by freezing the lawful handgun market, then state the only legal recourse is to surrender this property to the government.

Bill Blair: Greatest AR-15 Salesman in Canadian History

Apparently, Justin Trudeau will announce the ban at the “Women Deliver Conference” between June 3-6 in Vancouver.

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Is the Canadian Government Going to BAN the AR-15? Yes or No?

Bill Blair, the Minister of Gun Banning, Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, refused to confirm or deny the government's plan to announce “a sweeping gun ban”.

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In Politics It Seems Only Firearm Suicides Are Bad

Playing politics with suicide rates is morally appalling, yet that’s precisely what our government, media outlets and anti-gun groups do.

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Bill Blair: Completely Out of Touch or Just Plain Disingenuous?

Bill Blair’s attempt to slander the law-abiding families attending Harder’s “Guns and Guinness” fundraising event reveals an ugly side, that of a political opportunist.

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“Domestically-Sourced” RCMP Firearm Almost Costs 16-Year-Old Girl Her Life

Canadian police love to blame criminal shootings on "domestically-sourced" firearms. What they don’t tell us is many of those “domestically-sourced” guns are coming from police cruisers.

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Elephant in the Room: John Tory’s Grand Deflection

With 1 billion micro-grams per kilogram it translates into 50 million fatal doses per kilogram. The only question is whether our security services will find it before something truly horrible happens.

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Canadian Firearms Community Is Ambushed … Again

“No one wants to take away your firearms.” That disingenuous refrain can now be laid to rest. Not a shred of doubt remains. The true intent of the liberal left is as obvious as a rat turd in a...

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Media, Stop Publishing the Names of Mass Murderers, You’re Getting Us Killed

Research shows publishing the names of mass murderers sparks a contagion effect. In the wake of each mass shooting, others occur shortly afterward due to the non-stop publicity given the killer.

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