YOU Stopped SB 1378! New Constitutional Carry Bill Introduced Today!

YOU Stopped Senate Bill 1378! New Bill on the Way.

SB 1378
SB 1378
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Canyon County, ID -( Last week the Secret Gun Committee released their version of what Permitless Carry was going to look like in Idaho. The gun owners in Idaho were NOT HAPPY with what they released..

Senate Bill 1378 would have implemented Permitless Carry in the State of Idaho for Idaho residents who were over the age of 21. There were several issues with why we opposed the legislation as it was written.

Both issues we had were with the fact that existing law was going to be removed which currently allows non-residents and adults 18-20 to carry without a permit. Senate Bill 1378 would have taken those rights away!

The establishment wanted you to compromise. They believed that had they put the bill forward which would have given most of us Constitutional Carry, you would have bought off on infringing on the rights of others. But you did not buy into their compromise plan!

So we asked you to stand up and be heard. We asked you to call your legislators and email them and inform them that you will not compromise other people’s rights away for your own benefit. And stand up you did!

About 2 dozen Idahoans went to the Capitol on Friday and protested in front of the Senate and House Chambers. We wanted to make sure that Senators and House members knew that the bill contained provisions that would remove rights. Many legislators were unaware of the provision.

Friday evening I received confirmation from several sources that changes were going to be made and another bill was going to be put forward. It is unclear at this time the details of what that bill will contain.

We do know however that the new bill will have a print hearing today (3/7/2016). A print hearing simply means that someone will introduce the bill where it will then await a full hearing, assuming the committee votes it forward which we would expect. This is not the hearing where public testimony is allowed.

Keep those emails going to your own legislators and tell them you are demanding Constitutional Carry this year!

We are also getting ready to prepare for the primary election season. Don’t forget first and foremost that if you are voting in the Republican or Constitution Party Presidential primary you are voting TOMORROW (3/8/2016).

In May voting will take place for our primary elections for state offices.  That is where YOU can help make a difference by either running yourself or helping us defeat anti-2nd Amendment candidates.

Our organization is doing all we can to protect your 2nd Amendment rights here in Idaho. We kindly ask that you do what you can to help us become even stronger.

Your generous donation of $100, $50, or even just $25 RIGHT NOW will help us prepare upcoming battles this primary season.

Donate today by going to and help us fight for your rights here in Idaho!


Greg Pruett
President, ISAA

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance exists to fight for the 2nd Amendment rights of all Idaho citizens. Even in a gun friendly State like Idaho, the 2nd Amendment is under constant threat.

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