With Foreign Nationals Empowered to Disarm Americans, Who Needs Blue Helmets?

Prohibitionists are fine with authorizing foreign enforcers to disarm their countrymen. (JB Pritzker/Facebook)

“Non-Citizens Can Now Become Police Officers in Illinois, The Epoch Times reports.  “Illinois Gov. Jay Robert Pritzker has signed into law a bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers over the objection of the biggest police union in the state, which called it a ‘potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement.’”

“Foreign nationals who are legally authorized under federal law to work in the United States or any foreign national who ‘is an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process’ but who is authorized to possess a firearm can now apply to become a police officer in Illinois, according to the text of the bill,” the report elaborates. The reason?

“The Chicago Police Department (CPD), alongside many other departments across the United States, is hemorrhaging officers faster than it can find qualified applicants,” the report explains, citing reasons including “defund the police” demands. Put another way, to borrow a phrase from former President George Bush; they’re doing the “jobs that Americans won’t do.”

On this, cheap labor Republicans and “pathway to citizenship” Democrats can agree. And the wider immigration issue is directly related to the “single issue” of the right to keep and bear arms, even though none of the “gun rights” groups want to talk about the threat.

The crisis is more than a “potential,” and it covers a lot more than “confidence in law enforcement.”

As noted in a January Firearms News article about a similar development in Nevada:

Foreigners will be empowered to arrest American citizens at gunpoint on U.S. soil. And acting as disarmament edict enforcers should any run afoul of Silver State infringements like registration precursor and private sale-banning “universal background checks,” due process-denying guilty-until-proven innocent “extreme risk protection orders,” and its own “bump stock” ban.

Also noted is that according to the Constitution, “all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.”

How a foreign national can do that without any conflict of loyalty or understanding is left unexplained. They have not become citizens and renounced prior allegiances, yet they’ll still be swearing an oath to the Constitution. And they’ll be authorized to employ the full continuum of violence against citizens to enforce all laws, including “gun laws.”

It’s tough enough with domestic “Only Ones” inclined to obey any orders without questioning their lawfulness. What kind of restraint can we expect from mercenaries who do not come from a Bill of Rights culture, but from despotic and impoverished areas of the world where a totalitarian government dictates what privileges it will recognize and what obedience it demands? And they’ll also enjoy exemptions “relating to weapons; authorizing certain law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry certain concealed weapons and firearms in certain circumstances…” that are withheld from “We the people.”

Then there’s one other reality no one with mass influence is talking about: How “complete” can their “background checks” be?

Where do the records come from and what audits have been performed to ensure system integrity and that they are comprehensive and uncompromised? Some corrupt or hostile regime’s filing system?  Something else? Bribery/baksheesh isn’t a way of life with administrators there?  And no one else has any interest in falsifying or just plain omitting records, assuming any exist or haven’t been destroyed in the first place?

It figures fascist regimes would recruit these new “Hessians” to supplement their iron fists and sell it as “progressive” inclusiveness and diversity. Instead of “Back the blue” the slogan could be “Back the blue helmets,” but who needs to import foreign troops when would-be rulers have ensured a practically limitless reservoir already here of potential enforcers desperate and/or eager enough to abet their trying to secure a monopoly of violence?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea