Wisconsin Vote Out Terrible Tammy Baldwin in November ~ VIDEO


Tammy Baldwin
Wisconsin Vote Out Terrible Tammy Baldwin in November

Wisconsin – -(AmmoLand.com)- If you have ever seen the sitcom “Parks and Recreation,” one of the “villains” of the series was “Tammy Two,” the ex-wife of one Ron Swanson. She was a terror, always trying to find ways to ruin people’s lives. Well, Second Amendment supporters can top Tammy Two with Tammy Baldwin.

Baldwin won her first Senate term in to represent Wisconsin in 2012, beating former governor Tommy Thompson. She did so despite a 14-year record of hostility towards Second Amendment rights in the House of Representatives. According to Project Vote Smart, in her first term, she voted to end gun shows. Her House tenure also saw her voting to oppose arming pilots in the wake of 9/11, opposing efforts to halt the lawsuits brought by big-city mayors, trial lawyers, and anti-gun extremists twice, opposing an effort to rescind some of the District of Columbia’s onerous gun laws, and voting against concealed-carry reciprocity.

In the Senate, she’s been no better. She voted to ban certain semi-automatic rifles (and other firearms), even though Justice Department stats show that you are more likely to be killed using “personal weapons” (a fancy way of saying hands and feet) than you are with any rifle, much less the constantly-demonized and America’s most popular weapon the AR-15. She also sought to impose arbitrary limits on magazine capacity.

In short, in over twenty years Tammy Baldwin has voted every chance she gets to gut the Second Amendment, right along with Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein.

Furthermore, she’s been vocal about it. Unlike Schumer and Feinstein, though, she has often employed the canard of saying she is “a gun owner” who “strongly supports the Second Amendment.” Baldwin, though, has pushed for denying Second Amendment rights to those placed on watch lists.

Let’s get one thing straight: Nobody wants terrorists to have guns – or any sort of weapon at all – but the terrorist watch list is often compiled without much in the way of due process. There are better ways to keep terrorists from getting guns than that proposal.

Baldwin also has been opposing efforts to allow teachers to carry guns to protect students. What is often missed in all of this is that the teachers wouldn’t be conscripted into carrying guns. Instead, the teachers who did so would be volunteers. But that doesn’t matter to Baldwin, who seems to think a blanket prohibition is the answer. How well has that worked so far?

The fact of the matter is that Tammy Baldwin, over 20 years, has proven she is no friend of law-abiding gun owners. She can claim she is a Second Amendment supporter, but her votes and statements prove otherwise.

The good news is that Second Amendment supporters can elect a proven champion who has been a steadfast supporter of their rights. As a state senator, Leah Vukmir, who has an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund, wrote the legislation that made Wisconsin a “shall issue” state. She also opposes the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which Baldwin supported.

In short, voting on November 6th 2018 gives Wisconsin Second Amendment supporters the chance to send Tammy packing. And they won’t need Leslie Knope’s help to do so.

Harold Hu, chison
Harold Hutchison

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post, Strategypage.com, and other national websites.