Will the High River Canada Gun Grab Documentary Fall On Deaf Ears? ~ Video

Will the High River Canada Gun Grab Documentary Fall On Deaf Ears
Will the High River Canada Gun Grab Documentary Fall On Deaf Ears
Canadian Shooting Sports Association
Canadian Shooting Sports Association

Canada – -(Ammoland.com)- Kudos to Sun News and Lorne Gunter for the documentary Broken Trust: Gun Grab at High River.

It is refreshing to see investigative journalism that refuses to kowtow to left-wing ambition.

The documentary demonstrates chapter and verse that RCMP officers made some very bad decisions during the High River flood in late June. The source behind the orders that violated citizen’s rights remains unclear, but there was ample evidence that police lapsed into a pack mentality as they broke into private homes to confiscate firearms.

Every Canadian should witness and weigh the evidence in the Sun News video. See it here:


Coincidentally, members of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP showed up in High River last week to interview local residents affected by the unnecessary home invasions. It appears police spun the natural disaster into a machismo-fest, given that one house had two separate doors kicked in. Conveniently, the police-produced “selfie” video edited out their forced entries when the black boots were busting door locks, hinges and frames. Some doors were reported knocked down entirely and homes left open to the elements. Is this how Canada’s national police force secures private property now? It takes a concerted effort to cause more than $3 million damage to 1,900 of the 5,300 homes in the Alberta town.

If civilians were filmed causing property damage during the flood, they would surely (and rightly) be raked over the coals of justice. But, when some 200 police officers seconded to High River entered private homes and violated civil rights to search for guns, all we hear from the provincial government is the sound of crickets. Are police officers now being trained to believe that responsible firearms owners are more dangerous than non-owners? Statistically, gun owners are less likely to be involved in crime than non-owners. Some police officers – certainly not all – appear to be misinformed about who sport shooters and collectors really are. Don’t they realize we’re the good guys?

The general public has been trained to fear gun owners, too. They witness hundreds of shootings when they turn on the TV, go to a movie, or play computer games. If we can suspend our disbelief to accept that Superman can fly, why can’t we accept that onscreen gun abuse is merely a script writer’s crutch to excite passive viewers? Society has grown more fearful of lawful gun owners in recent decades, even though sport shooters are merely innocent bystanders in a world gone media-mad.

The RCMP in High River demonstrated they have been brainwashed into adopting an “us vs. them” mentality. They also apparently believe they are exempt from the laws that pertain to everyone else. The RCMP were so confident they could justify ignoring basic human rights that they filmed themselves doing it.

Lorne Gunter asked many insightful and hard questions in Broken Trust.

We have one more: Just who the hell do the RCMP think they are?

The CSSA is the voice of the sport shooter and firearms enthusiast in Canada. Our national membership supports and promotes Canada’s firearms heritage, traditional target shooting competition, modern action shooting sports, hunting, and archery. We support and sponsor competitions and youth programs that promote these Canadian heritage activities. Website www.cdnshootingsports.org