What President Trump has Done will Assure his Re-election in 2020

by Don McDougall,

Illegal border crossings are down over 70%
Illegal border crossings are down over 70%
Don McDougall
Don McDougall

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- There are some who would rather see the nation burn than for Trump to succeed. DJT is doing what his base wanted. He is doing what is right for the country. The results are below, and to be blunt, they’ll get little to no coverage anywhere except here at Ammoland.

1.Gas Prices are down. Consider this; the US burns 200 million gallons of gas a day. With prices down $1.25 over Obama, that’s $250 million a day in savings to average Americans’. Multiply that over 365 days, and Trump’s policies are putting money back in the average Americans pockets. Add in the savings for Natural Gas, and coal exports and the US benefits big from DJT’s policies.

2.Under Jeff Session arrests for gun violations are up 23%. After eight years of declining arrest under Obama, this number should continue to rise. Since 86% of all gun deaths are drug and gang related we’ll see an overall reduction in crime. GO JEFF!

Most all gun violence rests in big urban cities. Make them safe again, and you start the process of urban renewal.

Black unemployment is the lowest it’s been in 17 years. In 6 month Trump has done more for poor black communities that Obama did in 8 years. Yet Trump is still called a racist by the left.

3. The National Debt is DOWN over $100 Billion in the last six months. The ‘federal’ debt clock is now running backward! With a growing economy and no increases in spending, we are paying off the National Debt. $1 billion here, a billion there, soon it is real money.

4. Race Relation. The President is playing the long game. BLM assassinates five cops in Dallas, and the left goes silent. Trump may be that President that addresses race in a meaningful way. Nixon went to China, Obama did nothing. Maybe Trump will be the one. He seems to be the only one being honest with America.

5. Jobs are back if you have a four-year degree your unemployment rate is 2.3%. The President’s next move is to stem the flow of unskilled workers into the US and to allow wages to grow.

6. Donald J Trump IS the wall. Illegal border crossings are down over 70%.

Thank you states that let illegals vote, you’re destroying our democracy.
Thank you states that let illegals vote, you’re destroying our democracy.

There was an amazing article in USA Today saying no one knows why border crossings are down and lamenting the hardship for Coyotes (People smugglers) as their business dries up. Seriously?

Corporate profits are up, wages will follow, and the country is safer. Those wimpy left-wing CEO will have to ask themselves a question. Go back to an Obama 1% growth economy or support Trump and keep getting a 7-figure bonus check.

As for this whole statue/NAZI thing read READ what Trump said. Only one or two lines are taken out of context and used as talking points. It is 98% nothing but a smear.

Not ONE country that Trump carried in 2016 has flipped from Red to Blue. The fact more Californians or New Yorkers hate Donald Trump doesn’t matter. Let’s be frank he is NEVER going to carry those states anyway. (Thank you states that let illegals vote, you’re destroying our democracy.)

You won’t hear it anyplace but here, but the future is bright, and the President is doing a good job.

About Don McDougall:

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety onAmmoLand Shooting Sports News.