We Need More, Better Gun Laws

Ammo Stamps
We Need More, Better Gun Laws

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- A. It’s time to ban the 1,000-foot gun free ban at schools.

How much more proof could we possibly need to prove this law is a worthless sham.

The “news” media has been publicizing the failure of the 1,000-foot ban for years. The ban doesn’t work. Murderers ignore the ban. For some reason, still a mystery to the political left, the law doesn’t stop people from acting out, and in fact murderers are charged with higher crimes than violation of the 1,000-foot rule. Repeal the feckless gun-free-school zones farce.

The Bill-Clinton-era feel-good do-nothing violation of our rights has accomplished exactly nothing but infringe on the innocent. It makes it a crime for the good people to have their firearms anywhere near a school (1,000 foot barrier) [what about residents who’s homes are in the 1000 foot circle?] and has zero effect on mass murderers the “news” media parades around after they commit their horrific crimes. Repeal this abomination without delay.

Cleveland Gun Free School Zones
Cleveland Gun Free School Zones: Unenforceable. A joke. A federal crime against the public. Infringement defined.

B. Teach marksmanship and the link between firearms and liberty in schools.

The public school system has removed certain crucial education from classrooms, so our children are kept hopelessly ignorant of what makes this nation the shining linchpin of freedom on planet Earth. No need to place blame, we all have an understanding of who is at fault. It’s time to turn this around with curriculum development, public encouragement, and punishment for censoring or denying the free flow of information in this field to and among students in publicly funded settings.

C. Fix Fix NICS.

The whole idea that the FBI collects the names of tens of millions of innocent Americans, to stop criminals from buying guns at retail, is an idea hatched in a deep dark bad government basement. Instead, the names of the bad guys should be made available to the dealers, like wanted posters, in the far less expensive BIDS system. https://www.gunlaws.com/BIDSvNICS.htm.

Short of that, the current Fix NICS plan is a way to send more bad-guy names to the database, using incentives and punishment for the reporting agencies. What’s not addressed, the Fix Fix NICS proposal, includes a clean fast cheap way to get off the list if you’re one of many false positives (wrongly entered); a way to find out if you’re even on, without committing a felony by going into a store to shop; auditing the system and assurance of proper operation; and of course, punishment for improper government use and false listing (“Oh, they would never do that!” Good, then they shouldn’t mind including it.).

D. Model Laws.

There are so many, from serious, desperately needed ones at the state and federal level, like an end to frivolous lawsuits by criminals harmed during felonies, to lighter notes for inspiration, like Ammo Stamps for the Indigent, so poor people can practice too.

Alan Korwin
Alan Korwin

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