Virgil Moore Elected Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies President

Virgil Moore Elected Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies President
Virgil Moore Elected Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies President

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

WASHINGTON D.C. -( The membership of the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies elected Virgil Moore, Director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, as its new president during AFWA’s 107th Annual Meeting in Snowbird, Utah last week.

In accepting AFWA’s presidency, Moore reflected on the critical importance of the two recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America’s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources including the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.

“I am proud of the roles states and local communities have played in fish and wildlife conservation and am honored to be serving the states and all AFWA members as president,” stated Virgil Moore, President of the Association of the Fish and Wildlife Agencies and Director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. “This year I am looking forward to working with our partners and members to build a wildlife conservation legacy. It is of vital importance to making sure our fish and wildlife populations are healthy and available for public use and for future generations.”

Other action items on Moore’s presidential agenda include building a positive relationship with the new administration, and focusing strengthening business partnerships and increasing our efforts on hunting, shooting sports, angling and boating recruitment, retention and reactivation initiatives.

Moore will serve as AFWA President through September 2018.

“Virgil is a true leader in conservation and is very well equipped to maintain positive momentum for AFWA’s initiatives,” said Nick Wiley, Executive Director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and 2016-2017 AFWA President. “His insight and leadership will be invaluable as we plot our course and work through the challenges of today.”

Virgil Moore is Director for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG). Virgil began work for IDFG in 1977 as a fisheries research biologist working on Yellowstone cutthroat trout of the South Fork Snake River.

He has held multiple management and research positions including Chief of Fisheries and Chief of Information & Education. Virgil was Director of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife from 2006-2007 before returning to Idaho as Deputy Director in 2007.

Virgil received a B.S. in Biology Education from Northwest Missouri State University in 1973 and a M.S. in Zoology in 1977.

Virgil, his wife Becky, two daughters, and five grandchildren all enjoy outdoor activities, such as whitewater boating,
fishing, hunting, skiing, and photography, together on a regular basis.

The full list of the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies elected 2017-2018 Officers and Executive Committee:

Virgil Moore, Idaho Fish & Game Department

Vice President:
Glenn Normandeau, New Hampshire Fish & Game Department

Gordon Myers, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

Past President:
Nick Wiley, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission


John Arway, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Vice Chair:
Bob Broscheid, Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife

Ed Carter, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
Jim Douglas, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
Kelly Hepler, South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Department
Carter Smith, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
Cathy Sparks, Rhode Island Dept. of Environmental Management
Tony Wasley, Nevada Department of Wildlife


Travis Ripley, Alberta Environment & Parks


Sara Parker Pauley, Missouri Department of Conservation

Jim Connolly, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife

Alvin Taylor, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Curt Melcher, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife


About The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies:

The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies represents North America’s fish and wildlife agencies to advance sound, science-based management and conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats in the public interest. The Association represents its state agency members on Capitol Hill and before the Administration to advance favorable fish and wildlife conservation policy and funding and works to ensure that all entities work collaboratively on the most important issues. The Association also provides member agencies with coordination services on cross-cutting as well as species-based programs that range from birds, fish habitat and energy development to climate change, wildlife action plans, conservation education, leadership training and international relations. Working together, the Association’s member agencies are ensuring that North American fish and wildlife management has a clear and collective voice.