Vietnam vet finds thank you note on his car (VIDEO)

Richard Smith said his Vietnam veteran license plate and bumper sticker garners attention every so often, with people sometimes noticing it and thanking him for his service, but a different kind of gesture from a complete stranger left him a bit more emotional.

Smith said when he recently returned to his car in a Delray, Florida, parking lot, he found a piece of folded paper placed in the door handle.

“I thought at first that maybe somebody had hit the car in a spot I didn’t see,” Smith said, “And then I opened it right here and I’m reading it. I said, ‘Wow, that’s really something.’ It got me a little emotional.”

The note read: “I thank you so much for fighting for our country. The dedication of your life will always, forever be appreciated. So much love to you. Have a beautiful, peaceful happy day and life, God bless.”

Smith, who was treated very harshly when he returned home from the war almost 50 years ago, said nobody had ever taken the time to hand write him a thank you note, and he wanted to say thanks to the person who showed him such kindness.


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