Veteran assaulted after trying to break up domestic dispute (VIDEO)

sethA 26-year-old veteran who served five tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan was attacked by two men Sunday morning when he attempted to stop a domestic dispute occurring in front of small children in Springfield.

Seth Shope said the altercation, which involved two men and a woman, started out as a loud argument, but as the argument escalated, he walked over to ask them to stop.

“There were several small children watching so I went over to break up the situation, tell them they don’t need to be doing that in front of kids. Go somewhere else,” Shope said.

But instead of the argument coming to an end, it went from bad to worse.

Shope said he was hit in the face with a pair of brass knuckles, but doesn’t remember much after that. He ended up with several broken bones in his face, including both eye sockets, as well as a brain bleed.

Shope wasn’t able to provide a description of the men to authorities. However, his wife, Rachel, said the woman involved knew the men but was not cooperating with authorities.

A local heating and air company is offering a $5,000 reward to the person who can provide information about the two men, and an area pizza joint is donating 10 percent of their sales to cover Shope’s medical expenses, as well as a year’s supply of free pizza for the family.


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