Training During an Epidemic, Defense During a Riot- More Self Defense Gun Stories

Training During an Epidemic, Defense During a Riot- More Self Defense Gun Stories, iStock-1243555737
Training During an Epidemic, Defense During a Riot- More Self Defense Gun Stories, iStock-1243555737

U.S.A.– ( You didn’t see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again this week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Firearms instructor Tony Simon joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they well trained? (20-minute audio)

These victims saved lives because they had a gun and good habits.

First story-  Do you have a firearm nearby early in the morning?

You’re asleep when you hear noises in your house. It is almost dawn. You arm yourself and go to investigate. The noises are coming from the room where you keep your other firearms. You move closer when the robber moves toward you. You shoot him, and the robber runs outside. You stay inside and call 911.

Police find your attacker outside your home. EMTs declare him dead at the scene. You are in your 70s and your attacker was in his 30s. You make a brief statement to the police. Your intruder entered your home by prying open a window frame.

Second Story-  Are you armed when you sleep above your store?

It is 4:30 in the morning. You were sleeping above your store, but now you’re startled awake by the sound of shattering glass. You grab your firearm and you and your friend head downstairs. The intruders are busy smashing your display cases with hammers and looting your store. You shout for them to leave and some of them surge toward you. You shoot at them. Now they turn and run.

You and your friend grab one of the intruders and pull him down. It isn’t clear from the news story which one of you had handcuffs, but you handcuff the last intruder and call the police.

Your intruder is charged with felony burglary. He was on parole for possession of a stolen motor vehicle. The judge sets bail at $75 thousand dollars

Third story- Are you armed at your gunshop?

You own a gun shop. You’ve been sleeping at your store given the civil unrest in the area. Last night, you saw several men through your video cameras trying to break into your building while your store was closed. They are back tonight. They use bolt cutters to cut through the metal grate in front of your shop. They smash the door with heavy hammers. You shout for them to leave, but four of them come inside. You shoot the armed robber in front when he comes up the stairs toward you. Now the other three robbers run away. You call 911.

Fourth story- Are you armed at a friend’s jewelry store?

And at a liquor store here.

You heard about looting in the area. One of your friends owns a jewelry store on 5th Avenue, and you and your friends offer to them. You arrive with long guns and a vest to carry your loaded magazines. A few of you open carry your handguns. Six of you are standing inside the lighted store as looters walk down the street breaking windows.

The looters stop and chant outside the store. They break windows on the stores next to you, but they don’t enter your friend’s store. You take pictures and call the police. The looters leave as the police arrive.

Links and text of the discussion at the podcast webpage.

Slow FactsAbout Rob Morse

Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

Contact Tony Simon at, and on Instagram and facebook at Simon Says Train and at The 2nd is For Everyone podcast.