Track game in pitch black with the FLIR ONE iPhone case (VIDEO)

The FLIR ONE iPhone case can detect an animal’s heat signature from up to 100 meters away.

Compatible with the iPhone 5 and 5s, this attachable piece of tech translates thermal energy into dynamic color images. The user-friendly interface provides multiple modes that give hunters a more comprehensive picture in lowlight, or even no-light scenarios, Tech Crunch reports.

The smartphone-based thermal camera touts impressive thermal sensitivity and can “see” through light foliage, and even detect residual heat signatures, like hoof prints.

The internal battery can run the thermal camera for a solid four hours straight, or charge a drained iPhone up to 50 percent capacity.

The FLIR ONE iPhone case is set to ship this spring, though pre-orders can be made now. With a price tag of $350, these innovative cases will likely find their way into many hunters’ hands.

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The FLIR ONE iPhone case is sensitive enough to detect residual heat signatures, like hoof prints.

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The internal battery powers the thermal camera, and can also be used to charge an attached iPhone up to 50 percent capacity.

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The user interface is simple and easy to use.

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The thermal imager has several modes for different scenarios.

[ Tech Crunch ]

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