Three Wisconsin Gun Bills Need Your Urgent Attention…TODAY

Three Wisconsin Gun Bills Need Your Urgent Attention…TODAY

Wisconsin Gun Owners
Wisconsin Gun Owners

Wisconsin –-( Baby Lautenberg domestic abuse gun ban being rammed through the state assembly today…call your state rep. to stop this massive expansion of gun control

STATE CAPITAL SWITCHBOARD: Toll-free: 1-800-362-9472

Three bills – two anti-gun, one pro-gun – are being considered in the Wisconsin State Assembly today. You must call your state representative immediately and voice your opposition to AB558and AB559, and your support of AB193.

AB558 will redefine “misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence” even beyond the already-outrageous federal definition. Scores of gun owners have already been disarmed and/or prosecuted on the federal level thanks to this gun control scheme. This is the “raise your voice, lose your guns” bill and it is a very serious threat. Action: OPPOSE AB558

Click here to see how Lautenberg-style gun control is being used to disarm and imprison American gun owners (Source: Gun Owners of America).

AB559 will ratchet up tyranny in this state to a whole new never-before-seen level. If this bill becomes law, your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination is gone. That’s because, under this bill, the court can compel you under threat of arrest to reveal all firearms you possess, and make them available for confiscation. Action: OPPOSE AB559

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AB139 is the one bright spot for gun owners. This piece of legislation, supported by Wisconsin Gun Owners (WGO), is the Castle Doctrine legislation (or, “stand your ground”) self-defense bill that will shift presumption on the part of the court to presume the person using deadly force in self-defense believed it was necessary. Action: SUPPORT AB139

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STATE CAPITAL SWITCHBOARD: Toll-free: 1-800-362-9472

WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim they’re “pro-gun” — all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut by politicians — but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control — regardless of the political party — and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. Visit