The Women’s Gun Show Episode #11: Your Gun and Your Doctor

The Women’s Gun Show Episode #11: Your Gun and Your Doctor
The Women’s Gun Show Episode #11: Your Gun and Your Doctor
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The Women’s Gun Show

USA -( Carrie Lightfoot, of The Well Armed Woman, and Barbara Baird, of Women’s Outdoor News, take on the theme of your relationship with your doctor in regard to owning a firearm.

Carrie interviews Dr. John Edeen, of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. Also included in this episode, the women discuss trending news, cool products and Baird’s new weightlifting program.

In firearms news, the pair highlight underfunding of collegiate rifle and pistol clubs and point out the new NRA infographic featuring women and firearms.

Cool products for the week include a variety of first aid kits for the range, and Top Focal interchangeable shooting glasses.

Lightfoot interviews Edeen and gets sound advice about what you should and should not talk to your doctor about, and for what reasons. Discover more about your rights in regard to healthcare.

Each week’s show also includes a survival story and this week, Lightfoot describes an elderly woman who fights off an attacker with a pound of bacon in Great Britain. Baird relates that to the Gunsite attitude of always being prepared after an attack to fight back.

Events to watch for this week include gun training in the Detroit area for 500 women, and a concealed carry fashion show in New York.

Visit The Women’s Gun Show. Sponsored by Ruger.