The Walking Dead, A Leftist Utopia

Negan The Walking Dead
Negan ~ The Walking Dead
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

USA –  -( I am an avid fan of “The Walking Dead” In fact it is the only shows I watch in real time to prevent myself from accidentally seeing spoilers posted to social media or overhearing who died at the water cooler. I am such a fan I even started reading the comic books so I can get an idea of what is coming.

Last season a new bad guy was introduced. He was billed as the ultimate bad guy. His name was Negan and he led a group called “The Saviors”. The Saviors would offer protection for half of everything the communities surrounding Washington DC had and you couldn’t say no to their demand.

The Saviors have a very strict set of rules everyone has to live by. Everyone has to follow these draconian rules except Negan and his other leaders of The Saviors. They also shroud their evil and a blanket of “for the greater good”

To quote Negan himself, The Saviors do what they do to “bring back civilization.”

Over the past few weeks I come to realize that this dystopian society I have been watching play out is actually a leftist utopia. Negan is the model of the perfect leftist government. I am beginning to think that Negan representation of the actual embodiment of progressivism is done on purpose. I do not claim to know the political leanings of showrunner, Scott Gimple, or creator, Robert Kirkman, but I think there is something there.


Zombie Hand
Over the past few weeks I come to realize that this dystopian society I have been watching play out is actually a leftist utopia.

The first thing Negan preaches is collectivism. If you ask any of The Saviors who they are they will respond with the word “Negan”.

If Negan does represent the state, as my theory states, then this means that individual liberties mean very little and your duty is to the state and to the state alone. Leftist regimes are ran by cult of personalities much like Castro in Cuba or Pol Pot in Cambodia. No one can argue against The Saviors being a cult of personality.

This brings be to my next point. Negan is almost worshipped as a god like figure. When he enters a room everyone has to kneel in reverence to Negan. Negan views himself as a Christ like figure. This matches up to what we have seen in North Korea with the Kims.

Leftist government always replace religion with worship of the state.

Gun Registration

Negan comes to Alexandria (where our heroes live) and discovers they have records of every firearm. This is a classic example of a gun registration. Negan uses this list to confiscate every firearm from the people of Alexandria. Leftist government always institute a firearms registration before issuing confiscations. You can look to any number of leftist states to see this. From Cuba to the USSR this has played out time and time again. This is a great example as to why most of us on the right oppose a gun registration.

Half Of Everything

The next thing that Negan does is demand half of everything. This is actually better than what the leftist want. Leftist countries have taken as much as 100% of everything. Negan only takes half. If you don’t give Negan half then the punishment is swift is severe. This basically equates itself as a tax. In fact Spencer, from the show, even refers to it as a tax.

In one episode Negan kills one walker and uses that as justification for taking half of everything. This is another thing we see in all governments. The overcharging for services that would be cheaper of done by a private contractor. Think about those $800 toilet seats.

Zombie Survival Camp
So next time your liberal friend starts going off about “feeling the Bern” ask them if they want zombies. Because that is how you get zombies.

Even if you don’t use The Savior’s services you still have to pay. This is much like paying for welfare or medicaid that not only that you do not need, but you do not want. Not paying would be breaking the law. Much like real life, not paying in TWD would be breaking the rules. The penalties in both worlds are stiff.

Do as I Say Not as I Do

So we have determined there is no way to opt out, and if you don’t go along with Negan the penalties will hit you hard. There is an exemption though. Negan himself doesn’t have to follow the rules. He has made himself exempt from them. This is like the ruling class in any leftist government, or say a government exempting themselves from the affordable healthcare act.

So next time your liberal friend starts going off about “feeling the Bern” ask them if they want zombies. Because that is how you get zombies.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and The Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on the history of the patriot movement and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss or at