Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Sets The Gun Ban Media Straight ~ VIDEO

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick takes on the gun ban media.
Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick takes on the gun ban media.
Texas State Rifle Association
Texas State Rifle Association

Texas –  -(Ammoland.com)- Most gun owners are aware that next week; President Obama is scheduled to meet with his Attorney General. His goal is to implement gun control by executive order, a threat we’ve all anticipated.

Last week when this latest “threat” was announced, Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted “Come and Take It!”

Today, it was Lt. Governor Dan Patrick who had the “last word” during Meet the Press, correcting gun banner, Capt. Mark Kelly’s comments .

Today, on NBC-Meet the Press, Chuck Todd interviewed Capt. Mark Kelly (ret.), husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Gifford and the founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions, regarding Obama’s next attempt at gun control, using executive order.

Kelly said he believes closing the gun show loophole by expanding the NICS check is feasible. According to Kelly, over 2,000,000 “dangerous people” had been stopped from purchase by NICS. When asked why these people were not being prosecuted or punished, he down-played the question saying this was mostly gun lobby rhetoric.

When asked by the moderator to explain the gun culture to people who live on the East Coast, Kelly depicted gun owners as ageing, rural, middle-class white males, afraid of losing their “stuff“.

So punishing law-abiding gun owners is okay but punishing criminals at the point of breaking federal law is not?

Enter Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

The next person interviewed during this segment of Meet the Press was Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick.

God Bless Texas, and God Bless Dan Patrick!

It appeared that Chuck Todd had arranged the program’s schedule to plug gun control and to take a shot at both our new Open Carry law and highlight the earlier definition of a stereotypical gun owner.

Are you mad yet! I am!

Our Lt. Governor explained that Texas had passed an open carry law which is currently law in most states, even Vermont.

Patrick went on to correct the derogatory description of gun owner by saying the majority of Texans with a License to Carry live in urban areas of the state and want to be able to protect themselves and their families.

Dan Patrick further explained that women are the fastest growing demographic for a Texas License to Carry.

Lt. Governor Patrick took over his segment of the program and I promise it was not a “debate“.

As of December 17, 2015, there are 922,127 active Licenses to Carry in Texas.

Keep the Faith

Alice Tripp
Legislative Director
Texas State Rifle Association
the NRA state affiliate

About the Texas State Rifle Association:

Headquartered in Austin, Texas, the Texas State Rifle Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending the rights of law-abiding Texans to own, enjoy and use firearms as guaranteed by the Constitutions of the State of Texas and the United States of America. TSRA represents Texas gun owners before the state legislature, and is the NRA state affiliate association.

For more information on membership or supporting the Texas State Rifle Association, call 512.615.4200 or visit www.tsra.com.