Ted Nugent Phoned! Recall Steve Sweeney

Recall Steve Sweeney
Recall Steve Sweeney
New Jersey Second Amendment Society
New Jersey Second Amendment Society

New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)- It is not every day that one of the most legendary rock stars in history calls you! Long story short I was invited to a private event while at the NRA meeting in Nashville and one of the guest speakers was legendary rock star Ted Nugent!

He gave a powerful speech and surprisingly brought up New Jersey and discussed how the NJ2AS launched a recall against our senate president, Stephen Sweeney. He criticized how arrogant Sweeney was when asked about the recall with his “bring it on” comment: https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/04/06/nj-state-senate-pres-to-gun-owners-initiating-recall-bring-it-on/

I had a chance to speak to Ted after and he was extremely supportive of our work and offered to help in any way possible. I was a little hesitant at first and before I even had a chance to reach out to him he called me the first thing the following Monday and left this message to all of us: Ted Nugent.wav

Let’s make Ted proud and make recalling Sweeney a reality this Saturday! Imagine a private rock and roll concert with Ted Nugent exclusively for NJ2AS members? This single action of result-oriented activism will create shock waves in New Jersey and nationally! You can find more information at: https://RecallSweeney.com

Hope to see everyone there!

Best regards,
Alexander Roubian
NJ2AS President

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: www.nj2as.com