Tannerite Sports, LLC Comments on Bombings in New York City & New Jersey


Pleasant Hill, OR – -(Ammoland.com)-Tannerite Sports, like most, is now aware of the tragic events that took place in New York City and New Jersey on Saturday, September 17, 2016.

The entire staff of Tannerite stands together in the abhorrence and unintended use of all products that are misused for violence and hate.

Our prayers and thoughts go out to the individuals and families who are victims in these acts. We further stand by ready to assist law enforcement in any manner needed to bring those to justice that are responsible for these acts.

Tannerite’s corporate investigator has been working to determine if, indeed, our product was factually and positively identified in connection with these acts of violence.

At this time, we are unable to validate these allegations due to it being an ongoing investigation.

For more on how Tannerite works see Anatomy of a Binary Exploding Rifle Target ~ Video ~ AmmoLand News

Tannerite Sports LLC

ABOUT Tannerite
Tannerite brand targets employ a binary explosive used as a shot indicator for long-range firearms practice and training. Tannerite brand target detonations occur at a very high velocity, producing a large explosion and a cloud of water vapor. Small caliber rim-fire or slow moving pistol ammunition will not initiate a detonation.

In use, a long-range rifle shooter places Tannerite targets downrange, retreats to his firing position, and fires. The shooter does not have to walk down range to see if the target has been hit, as the Tannerite will detonate and serve as an indicator.

Since the two components that make up Tannerite targets are not explosive until mixed, they can legally be purchased in the USA without a license. Tannerite targets are exceptionally stable when subjected to less severe forces such as a hammer blow or being dropped and they cannot be initiated by any kind of flame or electricity.

Tannerite is the registered trademark for Tannerite brand targets and binary exploding rifle targets are a patented invention by Daniel J. Tanner. www.tannerite.com