Take a Toyota HiLux, add a salvaged rocket launcher and you have a battle truck (8 PHOTOS)

What, me worry? (Photos: James Mollison)

What, me worry? (Photos: James Mollison)

Photographer James Mollison managed to get a few shots of Technicals, real Mad Max-style armed combat trucks around Salah and Adel, near Ajdabiya, in Libya.

The Technical has a long history in modern combat in Africa and the Middle East, dating back to the British use of up-armored Rolls Royce touring cars against the Ottoman Turks in World War I and continuing through WWII and into today. Libya itself specifically was on the bad end of commercial pickup trucks armed with recoilless rifles and heavy machine guns in the “Toyota War” of the 1980s.

And as Mollison shows, the trucks are still out there.

You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome. Oh what a lovely day.

We just hope that RPG grenadier doesn't hang out in the bed when that rocket launcher goes off or its Aloha Snackbar

We just hope that RPG grenadier pulling the Captain Morgan doesn’t hang out in the bed when that rocket launcher goes off or it’s Aloha Snackbar

A bullet may have someone’s name on it, but a recoilless rifle is more "to whom it may concern"

A bullet may have someone’s name on it, but a recoilless rifle is more “to whom it may concern”

Does this void the warranty?

Remember, there is a penalty if you go over the mileage on a lease.

Nice to see more classic rides are still around. Uncle Omar just drove this one to mosque three times a day

Nice to see more classic rides are still around. Uncle Omar just drove this one to mosque three times a day

In Somalia, U.S. servicemen referred to Techincal gunners as "Kiingons." Do you get it?

In Somalia, U.S. servicemen referred to Technical gunners as “Klingons.” Do you get it? And the gas mask with no filter is so 1990s Liberia…

Nothing says love like AAA in a ground support role

Nothing says “I love you and I think we can really make this work” like AAA in a ground support role

What could go wrong?

What could possibly go wrong?

[ James Mollison.com ]

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