Tactical Deals: JM4 Tactical RELIC Series Paddle Holster OWB & Belt Combo $178.45 w/CODE

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JM4 Tactical RELIC Series Paddle Holster OWB & Belt Combo sale deal discount

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- JM4 Tactical has an exclusive coupon code that gets you the following RELIC Series OWB Paddle Holster package at a great price. Pick up the JM4 Tactical RELIC Series OWB Paddle Holster& Belt Combo for $178.45 with coupon code “AmmoLand’ at check out. This code gets you 30% off any belt purchase with any style relic holster purchase.

To get this deal, add the following two items to the shopping cart and then add code “ammoland” to check out.

JM4 Tactical RELIC Series Paddle Holster OWB & Belt Combo

Not all paddle holsters are of the same quality. Some barely stay on the belt when the gun is drawn, and with enough pull, can come right out with the gun. Settling for one of those for any reason can be downright dangerous.

Our new patent pending RELIC Paddle Holsters are designed to stay put no matter how hard they’re pulled on, and the difference is in the overall design of the holster, itself. To prevent it from coming out when pulled or yanked on, the paddle has teeth that are made to hook onto clothing to keep it in place. But that’s not even the real difference …

… each RELIC Paddle Holster stitches Grade A Hermann Oak Leather to the interior of a molded, US-Made Boltaron polymer shell. The RELIC Paddle Holster (shown above) is a functional masterpiece that is designed to be a tactically silent outside the waistband holster (OWB) that is available in hundreds of different gun models.

So, whether you’re in the market for a holster to carry your Smith & Wesson Shield or are in need of a Browning Hi Power holster, we’ve got you covered, no matter what.

We made a commitment to only use the highest quality materials in our holsters at every stage, which is why we use Grade A Hermann Oak Leather to protect your gun’s finish and Boltaron Polymer which is stronger and more temperature resistant than any of the other plastics used in holsters.

Each Paddle Holster features

  • Strong Boltaron Exterior Shell
  • Soft, quiet Hermann Oak Interior lining
  • Safe, non-collapsible design
  • Ability to provide years of use
  • Immovable paddle

Isn’t it about time you carried your chosen gun in a holster you could trust? Order your RELIC Paddle OWB Holster, today.

Tactical Deals: JM4 Tactical RELIC Series Paddle Holster OWB & Belt Combo $178.45 w/CODE

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