Surviving the Coming Days, How Gun Rights Win – Part Two


Bull Horn Will Not Comply Truth Constitution
Surviving the Coming Days, How Gun Rights Win – Part Two

USA – -( Ok, so now you’ve taken a breather and calmed yourself down a little. You understand that the intensity being revved up by the media is going to get worse. Good. That’s what yesterday’s column was all about. Essentially asking you to keep your wits about you, unlike the other side, who through raw emotion are incapable of reasoning. That’s precisely where we want them to be.

Any smart businessperson, for example, understands never to make a decision based solely on emotion. They know to chill out, take a step back until the feeling has subsided, objectively analyze the options, then move forward with the decision-making process based on facts, not emotion. Understand and remember that our opposition isn’t, or frankly never does, think rationally about this issue. It is essential we keep our “feelings” in check at this moment in history. Let the other side go haywire. We can think clearly and rationally, and that’s what separates us from the disease known as liberalism.

Why is this so important now?

Because now you have to stand up and fight. To do so efficiently, you must have your head about you. It is imperative that you be able to discuss the topics at hand from a position of strength, which comes from having the truth, facts, and the Constitution on your side, and to be able to articulate as much when called upon to do so, without getting emotional. The media will never give you the platform they are providing the kids and parents screaming for your guns. They’ll never offer massive face time to the kids who hold a different viewpoint, such as the millions of kids across the country who support gun rights and oppose gun control.

You’ll never see those kids handed the opportunity to embarrass gun-hating politicians as they gave the gun-grabbers last night on that dog and pony show over at CNN. Ain’t going to happen and we need to deal with it.

Back to the fight. This is a war. A war being thrust upon you by several different divisions of the same enemy army consisting of the political left, Democrat, gun-hating, machine and their billionaire-funded, prohibitionist, gun-control groups, masquerading as “gun safety advocates.” Their most potent weapon, however, isn’t money and probably not what you might be thinking. It’s not the kids who, while rightfully angry and making their voices heard, are primarily a product of their home environment, spewing a gun control message they’ve likely heard before, from the adults around them.

Then what is?

It’s The Media, Stupid!

Mainstream Media
Mainstream Media

That’s right. The most potent weapon of all, and available to every gun prohibitionist around the world (not just here in America), is the media and a 24-hour hysterical “news” cycle. A press that has been attacking (well documented, 14 plus pages on AmmoLand News alone) your gun rights for years! The only fresh ingredient to this recipe now is the kids. Kids who have seen things they should never have seen and can articulate their gun-control push to a fawning media eager to provide a platform in their ongoing culture war against us.

Let me make this clear. I don’t place blame on any American who uses their right to speak and assemble, no matter the subject. That’s what makes this the greatest country on Earth. I can, and do disagree with their wrong-headed message, but they have a right to say it, as much as I have a right to criticize them.

So what do we do? We dig in, and we fight. We join our state organizations, too many to mention, to fight the Bloomberg gun-grabbers who are infecting states across the nation in their attempts to bring CA style crap to everyone. We join GOA to fight alongside millions of other gun owners and reach into the halls of Congress where the gun prohibitionists are infiltrating. We join the Second Amendment Foundation, the only organization fighting and winning battles in courtrooms and now responsible for over 80% of pro-rights legal victories, setting pro-gun precedent across the country. We act as responsible gun owners by seeking training from groups like the NRA, USCCA, and too many independent organizations and individual experts to count.

We get very vocal. We write letters to our representatives, local, state, and federal, and we let the liberal, national, mainstream, and local media know we are watching them, and we do it every, damn, day. We get relentless in protecting our rights, and we VOTE. We make every effort to know the enemies of our freedoms, we read their propaganda, and we counter it. Invade them. Join their mailing lists, Twitter feeds, and Facebook groups. We talk to our school boards, our teachers, and we get involved with our children and what they are learning, or not learning!

We use every tool at our disposal to stay active and involved, and we never stop. We understand that the forces fighting this culture war against us are powerful and well-funded, but they lack one thing.

They lack the truth. We own that.

Mark Walters
Mark Walters

About Mark Walters

Mark Walters is the host of two nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, Armed American Radio and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense with Mark Walters. He is the Second Amendment Foundation 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year award recipient and co-author of two books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson (Whitefeather Press).